Tyyppi: Muova Design Research

Key Transversal Competences for Researchers – A Survey in the Field of Solar Energy Harvesting across Six European Countries

This tentative research aims to identify key transversal competences for researchers, particularly in the field of solar energy harvesting, across six European countries – Belgium, the Czech Republic, Finland, Greece, Ukraine, and Switzerland. The research was conducted in the APPROACH project, co-funded by the European Commission’s Horizon Europe Research Programme.

Katso julkaisu

Resource wisdom in manufacturing SMEs. Interview study on the state of resource wisdom in the industrial manufacturing companies in Ostrobothnia.

Resource wise society has been raised as a key theme to develop good living environment in the strategy for Ostrobotnia region. Resource wisdom aims to use environmental assets in a wise way without unnecessary waste. Manufacturing industry plays an important role in this bigger picture, which pushed Vaasa University of Applied Sciences, Design Centre MUOVA and University of Vaasa to tackle the issue in the Rewise project.

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Monitoimijuuskartta. Analyysityökalu toimijoiden tunnistamiseen sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluiden monitoimijaisessa kehittämisessä.

Tässä työpaperissa esitellään alustavia tuloksia kehittämistyöstä, joka toteutettiin Opetus- ja kult-
tuuriministeriön rahoittamassa SotePeda 24/7 -hankkeessa ja sen työpaketissa viisi ”Monitoimijuus
kehittämisyhteisöissä” vuosina 2018–2019. Työpaketin tavoitteena oli lisätä opiskelijoiden, opetta-
jien ja työelämän ammattilaisten osaamista sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen monitoimijaisesta kehittä-

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Industrial services in Ostrobothnia. Interview study on the status of service business and service development in the metal and plastic industry in Ostrobothnia area in Finland.

This report describes the current level of service business, development goals and future prospects for digital service provision for companies in the Ostrobothnia region in Finland. This report summarizes the results from the company interviews and creates an overview to companies needs for developing their skills and practices.

Katso julkaisu

Playing with brands. Survey study of branding in Finnish game companies.

This paper reports the results of a survey conducted by Design Centre Muova. In the survey two background questions formed the ground for the content. Firstly, the research team was interested in investigating how game companies, especially start -up companies integrate their potential customers in the branding and secondly, how the companies perceive the branding in their organization, what kind of issues are considered and how they evaluate their resources and capabilities.

Katso julkaisu

Design for localization in India. Experiences and practices of nine Finnish SMEs.

The role and importance of the Base of the Pyramid markets are rising. Thus companies seeking for growth have to think how they can be competitive in these markets. Attention has to be paid especially to the localisation aspects in the product/service offering. Design Centre MUOVA studied the special features of the BoP market and the design approach to facilitate the localisation of nine SME’s product offering in Indian markets.

Katso julkaisu

SMEs on the way to India. Perspectives on the Internationalization of Finnish small and medium-sized companies to India.

In this study we describe how nine Finnish SMEs have undertaken their internationalization to India. It shows that Finnish SMEs have a variety of motives for operating in India and many competitive advantages that enable them to compete on Indian market. Moreover, the study illustrates the comprehensive preparation required before entering the market, what kind of challenges the SMEs have encountered and how they see that Finnish SMEs can make it on the Indian market.

Katso julkaisu

Systemic service design on voluntary water monitoring. A case study: Water ecosystem information as a source of under-centered services.

This publication presents the results of an explorative case study, focusing on studying, developing and testing methods for service design on a systemic level. Voluntary water quality monitoring was used an as empirical framework for the study. The case project built upon an academic conceptual design process where the research phase preceded conceptual design.

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