The COHESION project aims to improve the integration into working life of higher education students with neurological disorders and trauma By providing targeted training and raising awareness in work organisations, the project supports vulnerable students on their journey towards and at the beginning of their working lives.

The main target group of this project is HEI (higher education institutions: universities, universities of applied sciences, medicine academias, art universities, polytechnics, agricultural colleges, professional-oriented higher institutions, etc.), which wish to provide tools to their vulnerable students (final beneficiaries of the program) seeking the first employment while struggling to fit into the modern framework of task workflow.

The primary objective of the COHESION project is to promote inclusive practices for workers with neurotypical and trauma backgrounds, including vulnerable European students, refugees, migrants and third country nationals. The project aims to make inclusion of workers with neurological disorders a standard practice, facilitated by training that highlights both opportunities and strategies to effectively manage challenges.

The COHESION Project aims to:

  • Develop solutions to connect the private sector with students with neurological disorders and trauma.
  • To improve the skills and competences of business staff to work effectively with neuroatypical workforce.
  • Improve the employability of students with neurological disorders.
  • Raise awareness and normalize employment and social inclusion practices.

The ultimate aim of the project is to help these specific students and the workforce find not just any job, but the right job for them that benefits from their specific skills.

About the project


  • V-Systems (Poland; the project coordinator)
  • Vaasa University of Applied Sciences (VAMK), Western Finland Design Centre MUOVA (Finland)
  • LUISS – Luiss Libera Universita Internazionale Degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli (Italy)
  • MANS – Międzynarodowa Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Łomży (Poland)
  • EDITC LIMITED (Cyprus)
  • Foundation for the Development of International and Educational Activity – FRAME (Poland).
  • Innopares Consultores Y Formadores S.L. (Spain)

The project in a nutshell

Project name: Inclusion of the Students with Trauma and Neurological Disorders into Employment for Social Cohesion of Refugees and Host Communities

Abbreviation: Cohesion

Duration of the project: 1.11.2023 – 31.10.2026

Financial programme: EU Erasmus+ Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Strategic Partnership for Adult Education, Development of Innovation

Project number: 2023-1-PL01-KA220-HED-000165813

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Contact us!

Tanja Oraviita

Project manager

+358 40 163 2940