A learning environment for functional entrepreneurial skills
IntoAction responds to the competence needs in working life and strengthens the professional mobility in Ostrobothnia by developing continuous learning to build successful entrepreneurship and use experience-based skills. The aim is to support students, unemployed and employed people in their transition to working life.
The aim of the project is to design and pilot a continuous learning environment for the development of functional entrepreneurial skills.
The learning environment consists of:
The learning environment will be developed through strategic experiments, and the development of functional entrepreneurial skills will be supported and facilitated in line with the principles of active learning.
WP1 Learning journey for functional entrepreneurial skills
The first work package will identify how the target group and entrepreneurs articulate and develop functional entrepreneurship skills. A workshop will be organised for the target group and entrepreneurs to describe the functional entrepreneurial skills and identify ways to develop them. Based on the results of the workshop, a first version of a learning pathway for functional entrepreneurship skills will be built and further developed in cooperation with the target group.
WP2 Strategic experiments
Learning journeys are piloted in strategic experiments, from which learning evaluations are collected. Based on these evaluations, a learning journey will be further developed to form the framework for the development of a digital learning platform. The purpose of the trials is to describe the skills that can be developed in different learning situations, the type of learning material needed and how learning can be facilitated.
During the project, a total of at least five experiments will be carried out in authentic learning situations, such as:
WP3 Digital learning platform
In the third work package, a digital learning platform for functional entrepreneurship skills will be designed and developed for MUOVA’s Moodle platform as a separate learning module. The learning platform will include learning objectives, contexts, materials and delivery methods in line with active learning. After the project, the digital learning platform will serve as an active learning resource for continuous learning.
Name: IntoAction – A learning environment for functional entrepreneurial skills
Duration: 1.11.2023 – 30.4.2026
Programme: EU, ESR+
Research manager
020 766 3306 / 050 5685153
Vaasa University of Applied Sciences and the University of Vaasa’s joint growth incubator West Coast Startup:
Contact information
Project manager, growth incubator Jari Ratilainen
jari.ratilainen@muova.fi I 040 1829027
VAMKin Muotoilukeskus Muova © 2021–2025