
Rebooting, Re-rooting and Re-skilling Unemployed and Underemployed Higher Education Graduates for Work 4.0

Reboot – Rebooting, Re-rooting and Re-skilling Unemployed and Underemployed Higher Education Graduates for Work 4.0 project aims to increase the employability potential of the unemployed and underemployed Higher Education graduates by upskilling and developing relevant and high-quality skills and competencies for Work 4.0 in 5 future oriented competence clusters, as well as their ability to recognise and demonstrate these skills. The five competency clusters are problem solving, project skills, readiness for change, curiosity and internationality and the people dimension ranging from multidisciplinarity to communication.

Tietoja projektista

The project consortium

Vaasan ammattikorkeakoulu (Suomi), coordinator

Conexx-Europe (Belgium)

Inova Consultancy (UK)

Militos Consulting (Greece)

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Project in a nutshell

Project name: Reboot – Rebooting, Re-rooting and Re-skilling Unemployed and Underemployed Higher Education Graduates for Work 4.0
Short name: Reboot
Project duration: 1.9.2018– 31.10.2020
Programme: EU, Erasmus+, Strategic partnership, adult education
Project number: 2018-1-FI01-KA204-047188

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi¬ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

The Finnish National Agency for Education is hosting the national agency for the European Union’s education and youth programmes.

Ota yhteyttä!

Tanja Oraviita

Project manager

+358 40 163 2940