The IMPACT change campaign for the makers of the future continued last Thursday in the form of Design Think Tank and Design Lounge. In the Design Think Tank, a common vision was built and promises were made about concrete development measures. In the Design Lounge, the results of the Design Think Tank and MUOVA’s 35-year design journey were celebrated. The change campaign was organized for the first time this year, but it is already promised to continue.
– It has been exciting to be involved in creating a campaign for an important cause, Muova development manager Miia Lammi reflects.
In the Design Think Tank, the wishes and challenges of young people in the Vaasa region, gathered at last week’s Design Buffet, were highlighted. Young students were also seen in the event dialogue, which was called Vaasa region of the Future. Three university students Ronja Juola from Vaasa University, Otto Mäkiniemi from Vaasa University of Applied Sciences and Erik Ahman from Hanken participated in the dialogue.
– It was interesting to discuss issues that have been running through my mind during several years of study and to discover that others also have the same thoughts, but through different experiences. Hopefully, with this, we will bring about a visible change in the entire Vaasa region in small steps, says Juola.
– It was great to see how local young people and students brought out their own views – thanks to this, we get the right topics and perspectives for the discussion directly from the people involved, Mäkiniemi continues.
Co-developing promises
After the dialogue, we moved on to the development work itself. The participants were divided into groups and joint ideation to solve the challenges began. At the same time, promises were made and actors were challenged to cooperate and create change.
– At the event, individuals and organizations made concrete promises and challenged others to make promises about how they intend to develop the attraction and holding power of the Vaasa region through their own activities. Vaasa University of Applied Sciences’ student union VAMOK promised, for example, to help reduce language barriers and increase community spirit, says Mäkiniemi.
Public actors, experts, young people and company representatives participated in the development work. Among the companies operating in the Vaasa region, VASEK, Fellowmind, ABB, Danfoss, KPO and Wärtsilä participated.
– We will create a new kind of big event or festival in Vaasa in 2025, where the target group is young high school students and students in Vaasa, KPO’s director of accommodation and restaurant Riku Asukas promised.
Promises could be made personally or on behalf of the organization. Design Think Tank produced a total of 31 promises to achieve the challenges and goals of young people in the Vaasa region.
Meeting places and job opportunities
The participants of the event promised to plan and implement meeting places, meetings and events. They promised to share experiences of good practices and versatile job opportunities, to forward the message to decision-makers and project planning, and to create a positive image of Vaasa.
– We will promote higher education institution cooperation with our company, ABB Smart Power’s Continuous Improvement Manager Henna Sjöholm promised.
They also promised to support the development of the area as a safe environment for young people. Promotion of bilingual cooperation in education, inclusive development of young people and cooperation between the business world and higher education were also highlighted among the promises.
– I will promote shared spaces and courses for students, crossing the boundaries of higher education and language, a research doctor from the University of Vaasa and city councilor Lotta Alhonnoro promised.
The fulfillment of the promises will be monitored during the coming year on LinkedIn. You can follow the discussion and the development of the promises in LinkedIn:
Celebration for all the senses
After the Design Think Tank, we went to the Kuntsi Museum of Modern Art to celebrate the day’s results and Muova’s 35-year design journey. The event was called Design Lounge.
At the Design Lounge, the participants got to experience an evening for all the senses. They got to participate in the creation of a joint work of art, hear live music, experience modern art and taste Fröj’s five-part tasting experience. The event was opened by Annika Hissa, the director of Muotoilukeskus Muova, with a speech in which she remembered Muova’s multi-stage journey from the School of Art and Technology through Aalto University to Vaasa University of Applied Sciences.
– When you enter Muova, there is a certain kind of feeling. The mood of doing, hustle, fire, enthusiasm, creativity and new ideas. We are like that, Hissa visualized.
After Hissa’s speech, Vaasa museum director Elina Bonelius talked about Kuntsi’s group exhibition “Line to space”. Kuntsi turned out to be the perfect place to spend the Design Lounge event, as it enabled a multi-sensory, playful and multi-dimensional experience.
After Bonelius’ speech, we moved on to enjoy Fröj’s taste experience and the playing of Erik Åhman’s and Jussi Fruit’s vinyl records. The day was overall a success and attracted interest from across science and industries.
– We have always had a multi-talented team. It suits us well that we do interdisciplinary research and development work and develop new ideas through it, Hissa states.