Challenging Bias in Big Data user for AI and Machine Learning

The CHARLIE project aims aims to address the challenge of bias in mass data by promoting ethical and inclusive approaches to teaching technology, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.

CHARLIE objectives are to:

  1. increase the capacity of HE institutions to provide its students online learning opportunities that meet society needs but also are tailored to students learning needs;
  2. increase Tech students social and ethical competencies, allowing them to engage positively, critically and ethically with AI/ML technology;
  3. equip teachers/professors with digital and engaging approaches to effective teaching the topic (especially in online teaching);
  4. create synergies between HE organisations and AE and Youth at regional level in the field of AI ethics education;
  5. potentiate the transferability of academia courses on AI biases to AE and VET;
  6. raise awareness about the topic at society level.
CHARLIE newsletters
  1. CHARLIE first newsletter
  2. CHARLIE 2nd newsletter
  3. CHARLIE 3rd newsletter
  4. CHARLIE 4th newsletter
  5. CHARLIE 5th newsletter

About the project


  • ISQ e-learning, SA (Portugal)
  • Vaasan ammattikorkeakoulu – VAMK (Finland)
  • Innovation Training Center, S.L. (Spain)
  • University of the Balearic Islands UIB (Spain)

Project in a nutshell

Project name: Challenging Bias in Big Data user for AI and Machine Learning

Project duration: 30.12.2022 – 29.6.2025

Programme: EU, Erasmus+

Project number: 2022-1-ES01-KA220-HED-C461966C

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Contact us!

Elise Raittila

Project manager

+358 40 532 1694