Reboot training for highly educated jobseekers
Do you want to increase your employability potential by developing the soft skills needed in work life and looking at your career from a new perspective?
Welcome to Reboot Training! The aim of the training is to develop essential soft skills needed for work of the unemployed and underemployed higher education graduates and the ability to express these through portfolios. In addition, at the training, the participants will observe own soft skills from different perspectives when considering career opportunities in a rapidly changing working life.
Whom is it for? The training is for all the unemployed and underemployed higher education graduates who are interested in developing their working life skills and potential.
When and how? Reboot training will start in March 2020 and end in May 2020. The training will form of face-to-face meetings and virtual studies. The first meeting will be organized on 4th March 2020. It will be virtual.
Programme: Click here for the detailed training programme agenda
Where? Design Center Muova, Wolffintie 36 F 11, 4th Floor
Good to know! The training will be organised in Finnish or in English, depending on the wishes of the participants. The training material will be in English. The training is free of charge. It does not accumulate credits.
Registrations by Friday, February 21st 2020 at:HERE
The number of participants is limited – register today!
For more information:; tel. 0401632940
The training is part of the Reboot project, co-funded by the European Union. Read more about the project at
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
The Finnish National Agency for Education is hosting the national agency for the European Union’s education and youth programmes.
- Muova Admin