CU India

Creating shared understanding to renewable energy systems in Finnish-Indian collaboration

The aim of the CU INDIA project is to help Finnish SMEs in the renewable energy sector in Indian export endeavors. A user-driven approach is developed and tested in the partner networks in order to development regional energy systems.

The project will investigate, develop and test the user-oriented approach in the development of renewable energy systems in the value network. The development of a complex system requires a holistic design approach. User orientation targets the development towards meaningful customer value generation. The approach is multidisciplinary: energy technology, design, international business, as well as foresight.

CU India

Research Questions

  1. How can technology companies co-develop the renewable energy solutions in value network?
  2. How can user-oriented and visionary concept design support the development of renewable energy systems?
  3. What are the critical success factors for starting value networks for developing regional energy systems?


Pekkala, Janne & Jakobsson, Minna (2015). Creating mutual value in networks: Contribution of the design approach in the development of renewable energy systems for the BoP markets. Design Principles and Practices 2014 conference, 16-18.1.2014 Vancouver, Canada.

Lammi, Miia & Pekkala, Janne & Jakobsson, Minna (2015). Co-creating value network for renewable energy systems in India. INSIGHT 2015 Symposium, 23-24.1.2015 Bengaluru, India.

More information

Annika Hissa


+358 50 568 5863