Research report: The status of service business and service development in industrial companies in Ostrobothnia region

Muova Admin

The report about industrial services in Ostrobothnia describes the current status of service business, development goals and future prospects for digital services in small and medium sized companies in the Ostrobothnia region in Finland.

The report was originally created at the Digikasvu project (funded by European Union social fund) and it was published in 2018. The report is translated in English as part of the international collaboration in the Ix3 project. The figure below describes the typical status of service development in industrial SME in Ostrobothnia.

Ix3 project aims at fostering the capabilities of industrial micro, small and medium-sized companies in developing intelligent product-service solutions for international markets. The project started in the beginning of 2020 and lasts until the end of June 2022. The project is carried out by Design Centre MUOVA (VAMK Ltd. University of Applied Sciences) together with the research group Strategic Business Development, and the research platform Digital Economy from University of Vaasa. The project is funded by European Union social fund, VAMK Ltd. University of Applied Sciences and University of Vaasa.

The report can be downloaded here

More information about the project can be found from here.