
Projekti alkoi
Projekti päättyi

    Aloitettu: 01.09.2021 Päättyi: 31.08.2023

    The MentoraSTEAM project aims to boost the employability of highly skilled migrant women in the Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics sectors by offering them a comprehensive training programme to develop…

    Aloitettu: 01.04.2022 Päättyi: 31.08.2023

    Digitaalinen työntekijäkokemus on tärkeä osa nykyajan työelämää. DEX Skills on koulutusohjelma opiskelijoille ja työttömille, jotka ovat valmiita kehittämään digitaalista työntekijäkokemusta organisaatioissa. Haasteet kertautuvat, kun uusi työntekijä opettelee ohjelmistojen lisäksi organisaation…

    Aloitettu: 01.08.2019 Päättyi: 31.07.2023

    CReative Actions For Tailoring Smes’ COmpetitive DEvelopment CRAFTS CODE aims to enhance the competitiveness of craft SMEs by developing a framework to stimulate policy learning and build capacity to improve…

    Aloitettu: 01.06.2021 Päättyi: 31.05.2023

    Digital and Sustainable Service Innovation for the Cultural and Creative Sectors project aims to tackle challenges created by COVID-19 and future crises by developing the skills of unemployed, employed and…

    Aloitettu: 01.12.2020 Päättyi: 30.11.2022

    Standards for implementing programmes aimed at discovering and developing creativity, pioneering in pursuit of innovation The aim of innCREA is to enhance such creativity and pioneering skills of the higher…

    Aloitettu: 01.12.2020 Päättyi: 30.11.2022

    The COHESION project aims to improve the integration into working life of higher education students with neurological disorders and trauma By providing targeted training and raising awareness in work organisations,…

    Aloitettu: 01.12.2020 Päättyi: 30.11.2022

    Promoting sustainable, inclusive and digital Vocational Education and Training Vocational education and training (VET) is an essential part of preparing individuals for working life. As labour market needs evolve and…

    Aloitettu: 01.09.2022 Päättyi: 31.10.2020

    Rebooting, Re-rooting and Re-skilling Unemployed and Underemployed Higher Education Graduates for Work 4.0 Reboot – Rebooting, Re-rooting and Re-skilling Unemployed and Underemployed Higher Education Graduates for Work 4.0 project aims…

    Aloitettu: 01.09.2017 Päättyi: 31.08.2019

    The project develops an online educative programme and tools to support entrepreneurship. The programme will address soft skills (based on Enterprise Circle and Creative Project Canvas), gender and migrant dimensions,…

    Aloitettu: 01.01.2023 Päättyi:

    Design PSS The need of sustainable, digital and systemic transformation of industry is urgent due to the climate change as well as energy, material and component shortage. Manufacturing companies are…